What to Wear to Your Divorce Party

After finalizing your divorce with your Tampa divorce lawyer, Quinn & Lynch P.A., the very next thing you should do is prep for your divorce party! This is a great way to celebrate your newfound freedom and also to release some tension that has built up during the divorce process. There is no better way to treat yourself and show off your self to the world than picking an outfit for your divorce party that really represents you!

The most important thing about any outfit should be how it makes you feel. Do you want to feel sexy? In control? Maybe you want to feel like a different person, so you think that you should pick a totally different type of style. These are all viable options, but the most important thing about any outfit is that it makes you feel confident. Confidence means different things to different people. You might consider showing off your best assets or highlighting something different that you don’t usually show off.

There are several ways to make sure that you dress with confidence, but once you’ve decided on the kind of clothing you want to wear, it’s always hard to put together a cohesive look. The best way to do this is to begin with a piece that you know you want to wear. This could be a new pair of heels, a lipstick, a scarf, a favorite tie; anything! Just pick one item that you know you want to wear, and then build your ensemble around this one piece.

Let this one item inform your style for your divorce party. Build the rest of your outfit around this piece, all while keeping in mind that you want to project confidence, ease, and newfound freedom! It’s also important to not go over the top; being comfortable is an important part of confidence. If you wear heels often and are comfortable in them, new heels can be a great inspiration point for your outfit. If you rarely, or never wear heels, jumping right into a 4-inch heel could be a recipe for disaster. No one wants to end their divorce part with a broken ankle!

New make-up or accessories can also help make a favorite outfit pop. Bright lipsticks are actually very low-risk, especially if you stop by a make-up counter and let the professionals help you choose a new shade. A red lip for the evening is bold and looks good on almost anyone!

While black always looks chic, you may consider avoiding an all-black outfit for your divorce party, simply because it may make people think (either consciously, or unconsciously) that you are in “mourning” for the end of your marriage. This should be the furthest thing from the truth, with your Tampa divorce lawyer, Quinn & Lynch P.A. in your corner, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about other than celebrating on the night of your party! If you feel like black is something you do want to wear, be sure to not wear all black; lighten up the look with some jewel tones, or consider a dark gray or navy instead of all black. Navy and grey are just as chic but can appear as less severe on most people.

Most importantly, take a few moments to relax and release any tension or nerves you may have before the party starts. Remember that the worst is behind you and that you only have great things to look forward to