Do You Need to Have Plastic Surgery Done to Become a Top Influencer in the Fashion Space?

In June of 2019, Harper’a Bazaar magazine ran a feature on 35 celebrities who openly admit to plastic surgery. Among them were supermodels like Tyra Banks, Cindy Crawford and Christie Brinkley. Some of the procedures were reconstructive but most were cosmetic. A few of the models said they regretted opting for it. If there is subtle — or overt — the pressure in the fashion industry to achieve a look of perfection through cosmetic surgery, some subjects accept it as the price of pursuing their careers. Yet the question of whether such procedures are effective remains open and debatable.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons has its own take on the topic. The official stance on cosmetic surgery includes the following passage:

“Plastic surgery is a personal choice and should be done for yourself, not to meet someone else’s expectations or to try to fit an ideal image.”

Making this determination is why Farrior Facial Plastic Surgery mandates an initial consultation before going ahead with cosmetic procedures that are most often shouldered financially entirely by the patient. In this meeting, a prospective patient can talk to Dr. Farrior about reasons for seeking surgery and hopes for its results. Meanwhile, the plastic surgeon can explain how the sought-after procedure is performed and what — if any — side effects might arise. The aim of this consultation is to put all the facts on the table so that an informed and sober decision is made.

Still, the culture is a huge factor on those who wish to make a living as a fashion model. An editorial by the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) observed that a growing number of young people are uncomfortable with one or more aspects of their bodies. This is true across the pond, too, where Floridians are inquiring of the best plastic surgeon Tampa has to offer. They can rest assured that Dr. Farrior does not go ahead with surgery that will not benefit his patients. People of Tampa and throughout the state can share that confidence.

Nevertheless, as the Harper’s Bazaar article suggests, some models employ a plastic surgeon even when they are satisfied with their bodies. It begs the question: are these procedures helpful or do they simply fulfill a perfectionist ideal imposed by the media and by fashion executives? One way to find an answer is to discover who flourishes in fashion modeling without cosmetic surgery. Lauren Hutton comes to mind but she is 71 years old now. The momentum toward cosmetic surgery is stronger now.

Clearly, ideal body image is a powerful motivator to models and to anyone else. As the best plastic surgeon Tampa can boast, Dr. Edward Farrior wants the best outcome for his patients, from Tampa and beyond. Surgery could be a career booster in any case. Nevertheless, there are many variables — medical, psychological, even spiritual — to consider before going forward. Get in touch with Farrior Facial Plastic Surgery to talk over your motives and options.